The Hearing Knowledge Hub

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    A toothy alternative to hearing aids

    Apparently prosthetic teeth could make great hearing aids. Vibrations applied to replacements for lost teeth travel well through jawbones to the inner ear, according to research published by the Acoustical Society of America.  Researchers want to turn tooth implants into hearing aids by building the electronics that impart sound vibrations into the portion of a false tooth anchored into the jawbone. Researchers applied sound tones to implants, natural teeth and mastoid bones of 38 people with hearing loss and a single dental implant. And for a wide range of frequencies, the volunteers could hear sounds through implants as well as, or better than, through natural teeth or mastoid bones. Front-tooth…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Dual Sensory Impairment?

    Dual sensory impairment? Recent studies show that when people have both vision and hearing impairment, what’s known as dual sensory impairment (DSI), their risk for dementia increases significantly over having one impairment alone. In fact, a person with DSI has an eight-fold increased risk of dementia, according to a May 2022 study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports. An unknown link The cause of the link between sensory impairments and dementia is still unknown. It’s possible that an underlying problem, such as a problem affecting blood flow to both a person’s brain and ears, might lead to sensory and cognitive impairments. It could also be related to cognitive decline,…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Barbie gets hearing aids!

    Mattel, makers of Barbie dolls, recently launched the first Barbie doll with hearing aids. The Barbie, which was launched earlier this year in the ‘Fashionista’ range, has hot pink behind-the-ear hearing aids on both ears.  Rose Ayling-Ellis, of Strictly Come Dancing fame, worked with the company in the production of the doll. She says, “It’s so cute. Barbie used to be my favourite doll ever, and I used to draw hearing aids on my dolls to make them look like me. So now we’ve got a doll that has a hearing aid. If I’d got given this Barbie when I was a child, I probably would have screamed and got…

  • Articles

    The power of newborn babies

    Newborn babies do nothing but eat, sleep and cry, right? Well, wrong. New research published in Nature Human Behavior has shown that they start tuning into language the moment they’re born.  In the study, newborns were played recordings of spoken vowels played backwards and forwards while non-invasive neuroimaging measured changes in their brains.  After five hours of exposure the imaging showed that the newborns’ brains started distinguishing between the two sounds, and after two more hours (when the babies mainly slept) the exposure to the vowel contrast triggered a significant brain activity surge. Many expectant parents are told the ‘urban myth’ that babies who are played classical music and poetry in the…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Let’s learn British Sign Language

      British Sign Language (or BSL) is used by over 150,000 thousand people in the UK, of whom some 87,000 are deaf. However, there are only around 1,000 registered sign language interpreters in this country.  Whether you’re looking for a change of career, would like to learn a new skill, or have a friend who uses BSL and you’re keen to learn, there are many online courses you can explore. Did you know there are also various apps to help you get started too? We found this useful list on the National Deaf Children’s Society’s website. Sign BSL: The British Sign Language dictionary where you can learn the basics from a…

  • Articles

    Moth wings and sound absorbtion

    First it was owls. Now it’s moths. It seems that, when we want to find ways to make the human world quieter, we only need look to animals. Aeroplane and engine designers put serrated edges on the back of engines and wings to make jets quieter. This emulates the serrated shape of the feathers in owls’ wings which smooth air flow, reducing turbulence and sound. Now scientists at Bristol University have found that moth wings have incredible sound-absorbing qualities, which could lead to a step change in human technologies for soundproofing buildings and transportation. The scientists have discovered that moths’ wings absorb the sounds emitted by bats, one of their main…

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    British Sign Language available for emergency services

    British Sign Language (BSL) users can now communicate more easily with the emergency services following the June launch of the 999BSL video relay service.  The free-to-use nationwide service can be found online at or downloaded as an app and enables a BSL user to connect to a BSL interpreter video call in an emergency. The interpreter then calls 999 using a landline to relay the conversation to the emergency services operator. The new service is a lifeline for people who only communicate using BSL. Now they can independently contact emergency services if they need to. The service is available 24/7, 365 days a year and there’s no need to register.…

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    New nanogel -protecting the hearing of young cancer patients

    A new nano-gel, created by researchers from Curtin University in Perth, Australia, may lead to a breakthrough in the prevention of hearing loss in children receiving chemotherapy. Chemotherapy destroys cancer tissues but can also kill other healthy tissues, such as those in the inner ear, resulting in hearing loss. In fact, around half of all children who survive cancer will experience some degree of permanent hearing loss due to the toxic effects of the drugs.  The Australian researchers are in the process of testing a new nano-gel they’ve developed from human bile, which, when injected into the ear, is hoped will protect children from this common side effect of chemotherapy…

  • Articles

    Auracast – Tannoy announcements direct through your hearing aids

    Most hearing aid users are familiar with telecoils – those built-in sound systems in theatres and lecture halls that enable you to hear sound at a distance. Well, a new technology platform called Auracast™ may be about to put the telecoil firmly in its place and change how Bluetooth hearing aids and other listening devices connect to wireless audio streams. Auracast™ enables an audio transmitter, a smartphone, laptop or public address system for example, to broadcast audio to an unlimited number of nearby Bluetooth audio receivers, including hearing aids, cochlear implants and earbuds. The idea is that, with Auracast™, you can access streamed audio without needing a hearing loop cable,…

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    Act now to reduce dementia risk

    At the start of World Alzheimer’s Month we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t highlight the now-confirmed link between uncorrected hearing loss in midlife, and the elevated risk of developing dementia in later life.  Put simply, if you’re middle aged and you have a hearing loss but you’re not correcting it with hearing aids, then you’re putting yourself at risk of developing dementia further down the line.  It’s now five years since a Lancet Commission report focused on nine risk factors for dementia, including uncorrected hearing loss. Here was confirmation that dementia had the potential to be prevented in older age by taking care of your hearing from…

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