The Hearing Clinic

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Let’s learn British Sign Language

      British Sign Language (or BSL) is used by over 150,000 thousand people in the UK, of whom some 87,000 are deaf. However, there are only around 1,000 registered sign language interpreters in this country.  Whether you’re looking for a change of career, would like to learn a new skill, or have a friend who uses BSL and you’re keen to learn, there are many online courses you can explore. Did you know there are also various apps to help you get started too? We found this useful list on the National Deaf Children’s Society’s website. Sign BSL: The British Sign Language dictionary where you can learn the basics from a…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Noise pollution

              The creators of a new technological innovation are hoping to give city dwellers a chance to open their windows untroubled by noise from the street.  The Sound Eclipse, designed by design firm Kristil & Shamina, hangs in a window with a microphone on the back of the device to capture noise from the outside. Speakers on the room-facing side emit sound waves that match and invert the wave of the external sounds, cancelling them out. Tests show that Sound Eclipse reduces noise by up to 15 decibels, similar to wearing noise-cancelling headphones. The prototype of the Sound Eclipse is one of six finalists in the prestigious…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    103 year old gets cochlear implant

    When 103-year-old Leslie Hodgson went to the hospital on his birthday, he told doctors that he had researched cochlear implants, and it was time for him to have one.  Leslie, who is also registered blind, underwent the procedure to fit the electronic device in March at James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough. The implant, which was inserted behind his ear, uses electrical stimulation to provide a sense of sound.The retired architect from Cumbria has no family and lost touch with friends after losing his hearing 10 years ago. He had communicated with friends via telephone but even that became too difficult. Surgeon Noweed Ahmad, who fitted Leslie’s cochlear implant, said: “Leslie…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Tips to help with Auditory Processing Disorder

    How to live well with auditory processing disorder (APD) If we diagnose you or a loved one with APD, it’s important to know that there’s plenty that can be done to manage the condition so you get the most out of each day. Use the technology available: There are excellent amplification and assisted listening devices to help you to hear a person who is speaking and to block out background noise. We’ll advise you of the best option for you and your situation. Brain training: No matter what your age, your brain can improve its processing skills. We can support you with brain training programmes to enhance your ability to…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    November is stress awareness month. How does stress affect your hearing health?

    For many people, the past 18 months of pandemic life have been among the most stressful of their lives for a host of reasons. With November the month of International Stress Awareness Week, it seems like a good time to remind everyone of the link between stress and hearing damage. As well as being bad for the heart, circulatory problems can also put your hearing at risk. Good circulation is vital if the small sensory hairs of the inner ear are to work properly and do their job of translating the noise received by your outer ears into electrical impulses for the brain to interpret as sound. Deprive them of…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    3D Printed Eardrums!

    Hearing in 3-dimensions?  If you’ve been wondering what the point of 3-D printing is, let us introduce you to a new development in hearing health. A team of Harvard researchers and surgeons in the USA have developed a 3-D printed graft that can be implanted to repair a damaged eardrum. Called the PhonoGraft, this innovation has just entered commercial development and aims to solve the pain and hearing loss of eardrum perforation – a problem that affects millions of people worldwide. The eardrum, known as the tympanic membrane, is a thin membrane that conducts sound in the ear and protects against any nasties like bacteria or viruses that may find…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Is medicine close to restoring lost hearing?

      Scientists from the University of Southern California have made a fascinating discovery linked to the inner ear’s sensory cells and their ability to regenerate, which may help science edge closer to a medical solution to restoring lost hearing. The inner ear contains two types of sensory cells, ‘hair’ cells that receive sound vibrations, and supporting cells that play various functional roles. When the hair cells are damaged due to wear and tear over time, or due to noise damage, they don’t regenerate, leading to permanent – or sensorineural – hearing loss.    The US scientists found that, for the first few days of life, the supporting cells in the…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Oto – a great new tinnitus app

    • Science-based Oto is a science-based therapy programme that’s available on Android and iOS devices that claims to keep tinnitus treatment simple. It offers an extensive sound therapy library plus ‘notch therapy’, the ability to tailor sounds to the pitch of your tinnitus, providing even more effective masking. • Range of cognitive behavioural therapy Oto provides a range of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) exercises to train your brain to respond differently to the sound it perceives. This means that, over time, you’ll hear your tinnitus less and less, with the goal of habituation – the point at which you no longer notice it at all. • Sleep relaxation and sleep…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Hearing is key to a child’s cognition

    Babies start to learn even earlier than we thought possible – at around 24 weeks of pregnancy. They recognise their mother’s voice from this point.  Over a million new connections are formed every second in a baby’s brain during the first couple of years of a baby’s life. But for synapses to connect neurons and for learning to happen, babies need to be stimulated. Talking, singing, tickling – every interaction helps to build their brain. But it’s a one-time-only opportunity. If the synapses aren’t built, they disappear. Built to learn But what an opportunity it is. A baby is capable of learning any language. If a child hears two languages…

  • The Hearing Clinic

    Feel the BUZZ

    A new wearable device, now available worldwide, is enabling people with hearing impairment to feel sounds on their skin. The Neosensory Buzz looks like an Apple Watch or Fitbit and enables the wearer to feel water running, an alarm ringing, or someone calling their name. Developed by neuroscientists, Buzz turns sound into vibration that you can feel on your wrist and gives you another channel to experience sound by sending it directly to your brain via the sense of touch. You can programme Buzz to suit your unique needs and it will adjust to your surroundings, cancelling out any noise you don’t want to hear. You can feel the beat…

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